Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Jesus told us that the highest priorities a person can have is to love God and to love your neighbor (near one, fellowman) as you love yourself. He taught us to put "first things first".  Sometimes I wonder if we really get it?

When young Solomon became King of Israel, he went to "the high place in Gibeon to worship God".  The Holy Spirit could not resist Solomon's passionate heart and said, "Ask for anything.  What shall I give you?"  

 2 Chronicles 1:10 (NKJV)
Now give me wisdom and knowledge, that I may go out and come in before this people; for who can judge (plead for the needs of) this great people of Yours?" 

Bottom line:  Solomon had his priorities right (at least in his early years).  His love for God birthed deep concern for "the great people of God".

Which raises a good question:  Just who are those great people that Solomon (and Jesus) were concerned about? 

My wife, Nancy has always had this passionate political side and I knew that it would be a no-brainer that she would show up at Chick-fil-A Restaurant in support of first amendment rights.  While standing in line for her chicken sandwich, she saw the silent protest of two members of the "Rainbow Coalition" against what they perceive as gay bashing. Nancy felt compelled to approach them and ask forgiveness for any Christian who had ever been unkind or disrespectful to them.  With tears in their eyes, this couple hugged Nancy and thanked her.  I believe that in that moment, they got a picture of who Jesus really is and who He is not!  Jesus is not a finger pointing God ready to show us how awful we are, but a God who longs to touch us at our point of need.

Like Solomon, we need the wisdom to go out and come in.  Seeing people the way Jesus sees them only flows from a heart that sees God for who He really is:  One who loves His great people and values every person despite the fact that everyone of us is flawed by sin and needs a Savior.  Only God can give that kind of wisdom and that kind of love, and that is why we must seek Him in the "High Places".   

I get the feeling that as we love God and love people the way Jesus does, this world can become a better place, despite all of its struggle.  Let's put "first things first".